Santa Monica Engagement Session
July 11, 2017 From the moment I got to talk with Lindsay on the phone, I knew that she and James were going to be lovely to work with. We got to shoot their engagement session on the Santa Monica Pier!
The best part of my job is working with couples and seeing their love for one another while I photograph them. It was so much fun to see how much sweetness was in their eyes when they would look at one another. Lindsay + James first met on bumble, an online dating website, and since their first date, they’ve been crazy for one another.
Our shoot started off as bright as sunny, and within about 20 minute’s thick fog rolled in! The colors of the pier were still bright and whimsical, and the fog made for some beautiful, soft light.
Lindsay + James: I can’t wait to shoot your Wedding next June! You were both so kind! I had so much fun photographing the two of you!